Research Group, June 2023 at EMI conference, Atlanta ( Left to right: Ibrhaheem Gharaibeh, Khalid Alshibli, Mohammad Safi, Mohammed Elnur

Research Group Fall 2022 ( Left: Mohammed Elnur, Mohammad Safi, right: Khalid Alshibli, Md Murfat Uzzaman, Ibrhaheem Gharaibeh)

Research Group with Professor Gioacchino (Cino) Viggiani (Sept. 2018, lift to right: Wadi Imseeh, Siavash Amirrahmat, Amirsalar Moslehy, Cino Viggiani, Zaher Jarrar, Khalid Alshibli)

Research Group Photo (May 2018)

Research Group Photo (May 2016)

University of Tennessee-Knoxville:
- Mohamed Elkenawi, Ph.D. Candidate, Fall 2023-present
- Mohammad Safi, Ph.D. Candidate, Fall 2022-present
- Ibrhaheem Ghataibeh, Ph.D. Candidate, Summer 2022-present
- Mohammed Elnur, Ph.D. Candidate, Fall 2021-present.
- Amirsalar Moslehy, Ph.D. Degree, Fall 2017-Fall 2023, “3D Experimental Studies of Temperature and Crystallographic Effects on Creep and Strength in Rock Salt”
- Amirsalar Moslehy, MS degree, Fall 2021.
- Wadi’ Imseeh, Ph.D. degree, Fall 2015-summer 2020, dissertation: “Three-Dimensional Assessment of the Constitutive and Fracture Behaviors of Silica Sand at Particle-Scale Using X-ray Experiments and Finite Element Analysis”.
- Zaher Jarrar, Ph.D. degree, Fall 2020, “3D Study of Gas Hydrate Formation and Dissociation in Porous Media and DEM Modeling of Granular Materials”.
- Siavash Amirrahmat, Ph.D. Degree, Spring 2020, dissertation: “3D Characterization of Force Transmission Structures and the Effect of Particle Scale Properties on the Force Chains in Natural Silica Sand”.
- Wadi’ Imseeh, MS Degree, Fall 2017, Thesis: “3D Experimental Quantification of Fabric and Fabric Evolution of Sheared Granular Materials Using Synchrotron Micro-Computed Tomography”.
- Zaher Jarrar, MS degree, Spring 2018
- Simone Mitzger, MS degree, Summer 2018
- Thuy Thank Trieu, MS Degree, Summer 2017, Thesis: “Fracture Behavior of Single Mason Sand Particles Under Uniaxial Compression”.
- Karen Lee, MS Degree, Spring 2017, Thesis: “Particle Morphology and Its Influence on Friction and Dilatancy of Sands”.
- Maha Jarrar, MS Degree, Spring 2016, Thesis: “Kinematic Behavior of Sheared Sand With Emphasis on Particle to Particle Interaction Using Computed Tomography”.
- Druckrey, Andrew, Ph.D. Degree, Summer 2016, dissertation: “3D Multi-Scale Behavior of Granular Materials using Experimental and Numerical Techniques”.
- Qassem, Ala’a, MS Degree, Summer 2014
- Cil, Mehmet Burak, Ph.D. Degree, Spring 2014, Dissertation: “3D Kinematic and Strength Behavior of Granular Materials at the Particle-Level”
Louisiana State University:
- Haque, Md Nafiul, MS. Degree, Summer 2011, Thesis: “3D Quantification of Particle Interaction of Compacted Powders Using Synchrotron Micro-tomography”, currently pursuing Ph.D. degree at Louisiana State University.
- Cil, Mehmet Burak, MS. Degree, Summer 2011, Thesis: “Discrete Element Modeling of Cone Penetration in JSC-1A Lunar Regolith Simulant”, currently pursuing Ph.D. degree at University of Tennessee.
- Yang, Yi, MS. Degree, Spring 2011, Thesis: “Measurement of Spatial Variation of Density of Compacted Powders Using Synchrotron Micro-tomography”, Manager, Adfaith Management Consulting Inc., China.
- Pathak, Binay, MS. Degree, Fall 2010, Thesis: “Analysis of Static Lateral Load Test of Battered Pile Group at I-10 Twin Span Bridge. Co-advisor, Geotechnical Engineer, Baton Rouge, LA.
- Richard Varuso, Ph.D. Degree, Spring 2010, Dissertation: “Influence of Unstable Soil Movement on Pile-Supported Concrete Floodwalls and an Improved Design Methodology”, US Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans, LA
- Alsidqi Hasan, Ph.D. Degree, Summer 2009, Dissertation: “Micro Characterization of Deformations in Granular Materials During Shear”, Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Western Australia.
- Bashar Alramahi, Ph.D degree, Fall 2007, Dissertation: “Characterization of Unsaturated Soils using Elastic and Electromagnetic Waves”, Senior Research Geologist, Exxon Mobil, Upstream Research Facility, Houston, TX.
- Zaydoun T. Abusalem, Ph.D. degree, Graduated Summer 2007, Dissertation: “Flow and Distribution of Water in Fractional Wettability Unsaturated Porous Media”, Co-Advisor, Chairman, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Philadelphia University, Amman, Jordan.
- Rohit Raj Pant, MS degree, Graduated Summer 2007, Thesis: “Evaluation of Consolidation parameters of Cohesive Soils Using PCPT Method”, Geotechnical Engineer, HNTB, Co-Advisor.
- Dushi, Ardita, MS degree, Graduated Fall 2006, Thesis: “Refurbishment of Louisiana State University Calibration Chamber”. Manager, Fugro Consultants, Dallas/ Fort Worth, Texas.
- Bevin N. Adams, MS Degree, Graduated Spring 2006, Project: “Influence of Particle Micro-properties on Shear strength of Sands”. Geotechnical Engineer, CDM, Baton Rouge, LA.
- Lynne Roussel, MS Degree, Graduated Summer 2005, Thesis: “Experimental Investigation of Stick-Slip behavior in Granular Materials”. Geotechnical Engineer, Terracon, Baton Rouge, LA.
- Sacit Akbas, MS Degree, graduated Summer 2004, Thesis: “Strain Localization in Clay: Plane Strain versus Triaxial Loading Conditions”. Senior Civil Engineer, FICHTNER GmbH & Co. KG, Turkey.
- Mustafa Alsaleh, Ph.D Degree, graduated Summer 2004, Dissertation: “Numerical Modeling of Strain Localization in Granular Materials Using Cosserat Theory Enhanced With Microfabric Properties”. Senior Research and Development Engineer, Caterpillar Inc.
- Heath Williams, MS Degree, graduated Summer 2004, Thesis: “Development of a True Triaxial Apparatus for Soil Testing”. President, W Geotechnical & Testing Inc.
- Bashar Alramahi, MS Degree, graduated Summer 2004, Thesis: “Assessment of Shearing Phenomenon and Porosity of Porous Media Using Micro-focus Computed Tomography”, Senior Research Geologist, Exxon Mobil, Upstream Research Facility, Houston, TX.
- Munir Nazzal, MS Degree, graduated Fall 2003, Thesis: “Field Evaluation of In Situ Testing Technology for QC/QA Procedures During Consolidation of Pavement Layers and Embankments”, Assistant Professor, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, USA.
- Brenda Novoa, MS Degree, graduated Summer 2003, Thesis: “Strength Properties of Granular Materials”. Geotechnical Engineer, Puerto Rico.
- Ekrem Seyman, MS Degree, graduated Summer 2003, Thesis: “Laboratory Evaluation of In Situ Testing As Potential Quality Control/ Quality Assurance Tools”. Manager, HSBC Bank, Turkey.
University of Tennessee-Knoxville:
- Adeline Shelton, Spring 2024- present
- Braxton Allen, Spring 2024
- Henry Centeno, Fall 2023 – present
- Kathryn Dial, Spring 2023
- James Cassell, Summer 2023-Fall 2023
- Mikaela Lynn Trujillo, Spring 2022
- Natalie Hester, Spring 2022 – Spring 2023, will pursue MS degree
- Joshua Lacey, Spring 2022 – Spring 2023.
- Jermiah Pham, Fall 2020 – Spring 2022, earned MS degree, Spring 2023.
- Darcie Halliburton, Spring 2020-August 2021, earned MS degree, Spring 2023.
- Faith Lauren Harris, Fall 2019 – Spring 2020
- Karen Wynne Abercrombie, Summer 2019
- Brady Nutt, REU student, Summer 2019
- Tyler Galyon, REU student, Fall 2018 – Spring 2020
- Cameron Neary, REU student, Summer 2018
- Ibrahim Aklouk, REU student, Summer 2018 – Spring 2020
- Isabella Alamilla, REU student, Fall 2017- Fall 2019
- Jaideep Thota, REU student, Fall 2016- Fall 2018
- Chelsey Ann Brummer, REU student, Spring 2016-Spring 2018
- Jeremy L. Melton, REU student, Spring 2016-Spring 2018
- Sharon Louisa Counts, REU student, Fall 2015-Spring 2016
- Kelli Grissom, REU student, Fall 2014-Spring 2016
- Jonathan D. Woolsey, June 2015 – Aug. 2015
- Zachary Panczer, REU student, Fall 2014-Spring 2015
- Thuy Thank Trieu, Spring & summer 2015
- Karen Lee, REU Student, Fall 2013- Aug. 2015
- Taylor Weiskittel, REU Student, 2013-2014 academic year
- Dylan Hoehn, REU Student, 2012-2013 academic year
Louisiana State University:
- Carrie Ann Heffron, LURA Scholarship Award
- Bryan Beyer, LURA Scholarship Award
- Waleed Kokab
- Che Tuma
- Shannon Chambers
- Catherine Bourgeois
- Andrew Joseph Quackenbos
- Patrick Kalil Furlong
- David Godbold
- Vida Sharafkhani
- Keith Hoffman
- Danielle Cooks
- Symoane Mizell
- David Guillory
- Marcus Fields
- Justin Wilson
Copyright © 2024 Professor Khalid Alshibli